Paradox is a Markdown documentation tool for sbt projects. It takes a directory tree of markdown files and generates a static documentation site.
It has several features that help to structure and build documentation sites easily.
- Supports GitHub flavored Markdown
- Pages can be organized structured hierarchically. A sidebar with an index or an in-page table of contents can be generated.
- Directives provide additional features over Markdown and allow custom extensions in a principled way
- Variable substitution allows configuring values from your sbt project to be used in the documentation
- Groups allow to create variants of the documentation where parts of pages are only shown when a group is selected e.g. for switching between Scala and Java versions of documentation, snippets, etc.
- Various customization options allow tailoring Paradox’ output to your needs. For example, Themes allow customizing the appearance of Paradox-generated documentation. Custom directives and themes can be packaged and published as separate sbt plugin extensions.
- Validation allows further validation of documentation not available at compile time.
Project info
Project Info: Paradox | |
Artifact | com.lightbend.paradox
0.10.7+23-064e6f3f-SNAPSHOT |
JDK versions | Oracle JDK 8 Open JDK 11 |
Scala versions | 2.12.20, 2.13.16 |
License | |
Readiness level |
Since 0.1.0, 2015-08-03
Note: Paradox is used by Lightbend to create documentation sites. Use at your own convenience.
Home page | https://developer.lightbend.com/docs/paradox/current/ |
Release notes | Github releases |
Issues | Github issues |
Sources | https://github.com/lightbend/paradox |
License and credits
- Copyright 2015-2019 Lightbend, Inc. Paradox is provided under the Apache 2.0 license.
- Paradox is NOT supported under the Lightbend subscription.
- The markdown engine is based on Mathias’s Pegdown.
The source code for this page can be found here.