Variable Substitution Directives


Inserts the given variable into the text.


The Scala Version is @var[scala.version].

results in:

The Scala Version is 2.12.20.


Allows to insert property values in verbatim blocks.

For example,


 println("The project version is $version$")


(added extra indentation to be able to show the example)

would render to:

println("The project version is 0.10.7+23-064e6f3f-SNAPSHOT")

Customize delimiters with @@@vars

You can customize the delimiters if $ already has a special meaning inside the verbatim block:

 @@@vars { start-delimiter="*&*" stop-delimiter="&*&" }

 println("The project version is *&*version&*&")


renders to:

println("The project version is 0.10.7+23-064e6f3f-SNAPSHOT")
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